Harbor View Motel


(231) 448-2201

26246 Back Hwy
Beaver Island, MI 49782
45.748187 -85.519836

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About Harbor View Motel

The Harbor View Motel features 7 housekeeping units & 6 deluxe motel rooms. The motel overlooks beautiful Paradise Bay. It also has the island's only swimming pool. Grills & picnic tables are available for outdoor cooking & picnicking.
  • Products or Services
  • General Amenities
    Picnic tables available, free parking, horseshoes, large lawn great for family games, Free WIFI, Private swimming pool open mid-June through Labor Day
  • Hours of Operation
  • In Season 8am - 9pm
    Off Season 9am - 6pm
  • Payment Methods
  • MasterCard, Visa
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